Saturday, August 28, 2004

Spy In The Pentagon?

There is a story of a possible spy (for Israel) in the Pentagon. One who either passed on classified documents, made false documents to persuade us to war, or both. Great......Another lovely thing done by this administration. Folks on the right do not understand that George Bush and his people play fun 'n games politics with our national security but the problem is, is that it's not a fun 'n games matter; not at all. First, putting out the name of one of our CIA officials, over a disagreement with her husband. Then putting out Khan's name-who was working for us in Al-Qaeda- just so they could justify raising the terror threat, they put his name out there. Now people on the crazy right actually talk about Michael Moore sitting with Mrs. Carter as extremely bad but if I recall correctly, Ahmad Chalabi sat with Mrs. Bush at the State of the Union- so figure which is worse......a film maker or a criminal, liar, possible spy? Yeah, that's what I thought. Then there Sibel Edmonds, a true patriot, fired for whistleblowing the FBI for incompetence and hiring spies-check her name up and read her story. So now on top of that, we have a possible spy, very high up. spying for Israel.....LOL who would have thunk it? This somehow will look good in the Arab world, right? Wake-up people. I do not care if your a Republican or Democrat, if you vote for Bush the just flat out have mental issues that need to be dealt with. This, our national security, is just one thing. What about the economy....are you doing good? No. How about health it more affordable and available? No. How about education....are college tuitions going down and are our children getting the education they need and deserve? No. How about you personally......are you better off than you were four years ago? No. So, in reality.........should you vote for George Bush in 2004? No. And it's so obvious it's not even's scary because people actually will answer all my questions..No, as I did, but they will still vote for Bush. Out of "principle". Great let's make our country worse, our people worse off and every other country hate us, plus lets keep starting wars....all in the name of "principle" and religion.......sounds like the philosophy held by Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, (and the Bush administration) doesn't it? The only difference is a difference of religion......Please wake-up America and see what Bush is really doing to our country....destroying it.....

Friday, August 20, 2004

Questionable Tactics

I think that if George Bush does not honor John Kerry's service, he should just come out and say it, instead of using PAC 527's to question, dishonor, and attack Kerry's military service in Vietnam. There are a few problems with all of this. First, the elephant in the room.....Let's for one second say that the world was magically changed and history was rewritten to support your sides wacked-out claims of Kerry going behind everyones back to receive medals, him writing his own reports, and now since Larry Thurlow has been proven a liar-he said Kerry wrote his claim for a Bronze Star- so we'll say, for sake of argument, that Kerry lied and had this awe inspiring pull in the Navy not only to write his own reports and get medals, but to write reports of others also and get them medals (Larry Thurlow). OK..... So with all that said, is being in a swiftboat on a river in Vietnam (which no one disputes) closer to war than being in the US- Not showing up, at the least and flat-out partying and being a drunk, at the worst? Which one is closer to war? Oh yeah.......probably Vietnam huh? Then if you throw in the little fact that John Kerry did not lie at all see what I'm saying. If when assuming Kerry lied, he still wins in this "military service challenge", just imagine it when it's played out in truth.......Let's look at a few things. Well there is Larry Thurlow, he has been a leading member of the SwiftboatLiarsForNon-Truths and a writer in the book they have coming out. In the commercial he claims that on the day when John Kerry saved Jim Rassman that they received no fire from banks of river and claimed Kerry lied to get his Bronze star.....he does not dispute that Kerry saved Jim, he just says there was no fire. Well the media got Larry Thurlow's military records and how funny that he received a Bronze star on the same day and in the same incident as Kerry and in his report from back then it says that there was small arms and ammunitions fire from both banks of river, and that's one reason why he was awarded it also. He claims to have never known that and......wait a second you do not know what your own military record says about your service but you're questioning someone elses and your records dispute your claim and back up the other guys.....must be frustrating, huh Larry? How about Dr. Louis Letson, who in the commercial says he treated Kerry for his first Purple Heart and he did not deserve it and blah blah blah...but if you check and see Kerry's first Purple Heart, you can see that Mr. Letson never treated must be frustrating huh Louis? And George Bush wants to act like he does not have a hand in these ads....please Mr. President not everyone is as dumb as you. Granted some folks would follow you in lock step to their own death but that does not mean the rest of us are idiots. Bottom line- John Kerry was in Vietnam carrying an M-16 while you were in the US carrying a 6 pack of 16 must be frustrating huh George?

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Playing Politics With Security

George Bush likes to play politics with national security. I'm not talking about the suspicious raising of the terror alert level; even though at the raising Tom Ridge said something like "we only received this new information because of the actions of the Bush Administration". LOL he should have just worn a Bush/Cheney '04 shirt while he raised the level. These guys in the Bush administration are commical but it gets scary that folks, in our country, still trust him. Let us see what else Mr. Bush has done recently: He outed the name of one of the only "double agents" that we had working for us in Al-Qaeda- Mahammed Khan- and he did it in order to raise and then justify the raising of the terror threat. So now not only has this administration compromised and exposed one of our actual undercover CIA agents- Mrs. Plame-because they disagreed with an op-ed piece her husband wrote. Now they out Mr. Khan because they needed to raise the terror threat level.......this is getting sickening to me. Last but not least is the fact the he nominated Porter Goss for DCI (Head of CIA).......Porter Goss huh? A man from, you guessed it, Florida. And a man who was once a member of the CIA; great person to get to change the CIA huh? Besides all this the man, Porter Goss, is on video tape saying that he's not qualified for the job.....LOL perfect selection for the Bushies.....I wish I had more time today to explore these mistakes more because I could write a novel on this administrations mistakes....I just do not see how anyone would vote for this man....One last thing, did you see his plans for re-shifting our military? If that does not scare you.....what does? Even Sen. McCain said in session today that he was worried about the administrations plans for troop movement.....I'm done here, and since Bush keeps saying that we have turned the corner, I'll end on what Bill Maher asked, " Mr. President if we have turned the corner...what are you still doing here"?

Sunday, August 08, 2004

200,000 Jobs Predicted,32,000 Jobs Created-Great LOL

Well well, it seems George Bush's tax cuts did not really jump-start ourf economy or even create any, it's laughable. First off they predicted 200,000 jobs would be created this month, while only 32,000 were actually created. Gas prices are up to about as high as ever and there seems to be no end in sight. Thinking that these tax cuts would work while we are fighting 2 wars, 1 on terror and 1 in Iraq, is not even laughable because it's just outright dumb. Never in our history has there been tax cuts for the rich while we were at war, let alone 2 wars. The reasons that people should vote for John Kerry are so obvious, that if you cannot see them then you never will. George Bush has run our country into the ground and people who would consider voting for him are morally, spiritually, and soon to be economically bankrupt. I mean the other day he said, "the terrorists are out to destroy our country and so are we". Wow, speaking subliminal truths Mr. Bush? I think so................

200,000 Jobs Predicted,32,000 Jobs Created-Great LOL

Well well, it seems George Bush's tax cuts did not really jump-start ourf economy or even create any, it's laughable. First off they predicted 200,000 jobs would be created this month, while only 32,000 were actually created. Gas prices are up to about as high as ever and there seems to be no end in sight. Thinking that these tax cuts would work while we are fighting 2 wars, 1 on terror and 1 in Iraq, is not even laughable because it's just outright dumb. Never in our history has there been tax cuts for the rich while we were at war, let alone 2 wars. The reasons that people should vote for John Kerry are so obvious, that if you cannot see them then you never will. George Bush has run our country into the ground and people who would consider voting for him are morally, spiritually, and soon to be economically bankrupt. I mean the other day he said, "the terrorists are out to destroy our country and so are we". Wow, speaking subliminal truths Mr. Bush? I think so................

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Hypocrite or Just Republican?

I love the fact that whenever Teresa Heinz-Kerry speaks out and says what she means. Like telling reporter to "shove it" and more recently, while hecklers with bullhorns shouted over her, "four more years", she said back to the crowd, "they want four more years of hell". LOL she's the greatest. Anyhow is it not funny that Republicans seem to be overly angry about this and also, it seems to be running on a lot of news channels very frequently. But on the same token, when Dick Cheney told Sen. Pat Leahy (VT), on the Senate floor, to "fu** off", it was not that big of a deal and in fact was not played for days on news channels, every hour (Fox-LOL dummies). Yet another example of how there is not only not a "liberal media bias", but really actually is a conservative media bias.
One other thing I must repeat. Republicans say the economy is booming, at the same time Tom Ridge is considering quitting because of worries over his duaghters college expenses. LOL- He makes $175,000 a year and owns 2-3 houses ( 1 worth $800,000). Geez Tom, it must be tough LOL. But of course they think someone working for $7.00 an hour should be able to afford food, shelter, health care for the family, cars, houses, and also send thier kids to college. It's dumb and laughable.
And did you catch, in Tom Ridges terror warning yesterday, he actually said "this information is a result of President Bush's actions on fighting terrorism". LOL but it wasn't a political thing, hehehehehehe, dummies.
Also how about Bush saying that he would have went to war anyway, even knowing what he knows now. Interesting, don't you think? Face it, this President is a complete and utter liar and anyone who would even consider voting for Bush is morally,environmentally,intellectually, and even spiritually- BANKRUPT. Those are the facts and that is your choice.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Finally, I Agree With Bush-RESULTS MATTER

How funny it seems to me to hear George Bush say "results matter". LOL, what planet has he been on for the last four years? What country has he been leading? What results did he give us with his Supreme Court-Elect Presidency? That's right folks, none. That is, of course, if you don't count- the biggest deficit ever, tax breaks for corporations and rich folks, wars of choice/quagmire wars, the biggest isolation of our country from the world ever, possible cures for numerous diseases with stem cell research(but not with Bush's Theocracy), and the Taliban-Yes I said Taliban- still run parts of Afghanistan and Al-Qaeda is not only strong but has thousands more recruits; All thanks to George Bush. So, we agree George, results matter. I ask anyone to show me even one positive result from Bush (not counting a corporation or rich folks getting richer).
How funny that Republicans talk about a "booming economy", while at the same exact time Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge is considering resigning because of economic circumstances due to his daughters future college tuition. LOL, he makes $175,000 a year but wait, he has from 2-4 houses (one worth over $800,000), and probably owns stock and stuff. So middle class Americans should be able to afford everfything including college tuition for children on probably 10-15 times less than what Tom Ridge makes/owns, when Tom Ridge cannot even do it; it's laughable. Bush will say "average Americans pay has increased"- LOL and he supposedly has an economics degree. Let me explain it to you George- If I weigh 100 pounds and dDick Cheney weighs 500 pounds, our average weight is 300 pounds; but I ask you George, would that make me any fatter or Cheney any skinnier? NO, so put that fact into money- If Bush gives some guy like Cheney a $300,000 tax cut and an average person gets $300, it's true that they each would "average" a $150,150 tax cut-but in the scenario did Cheney still not get $300,000 and average guy still only end up with $300? Of course, but that's is pure Republican spin masters at work and it's frightening that people actually will believe them.
One last thing I must say- Republicans face facts, in probably 10-20 years you will not have a party anymore. Your party is a party of rich,white,extremist idealogues and it's like that by choice. At a time when the rich white people are shrinking and growing numbers in the latino community; it;s only a matter of time for your party. Maybe if your party was not so narrow-minded, extreme, and prejudice it could flourish and grow, but that's your choice. See our party, the DEMOCRATS TRULY ARE THE PARTY OF THE PEOPLE. We have all types of diverse groups in our party, just like America-the way it should be. We have no skin color requirement, no specific faith requirement, and no economic barriers to joining our party. It's truly laughable for Republicans to think they represent the "true America", when it's obvious to anyone looking who represents who. Just look at the diversity at our convention, I'm sure the Republicans will have such a diverse group- LOL. Also, it was nice to see and hear from people who actually served in Vietnam with Kerry. They were all on stage with him, but I'm sure the Republicans will also have all the men George W. Bush served with onstage at their convention- LOL if they can find 1 guy.