200,000 Jobs Predicted,32,000 Jobs Created-Great LOL
Well well, it seems George Bush's tax cuts did not really jump-start ourf economy or even create any jobs....lol, it's laughable. First off they predicted 200,000 jobs would be created this month, while only 32,000 were actually created. Gas prices are up to about as high as ever and there seems to be no end in sight. Thinking that these tax cuts would work while we are fighting 2 wars, 1 on terror and 1 in Iraq, is not even laughable because it's just outright dumb. Never in our history has there been tax cuts for the rich while we were at war, let alone 2 wars. The reasons that people should vote for John Kerry are so obvious, that if you cannot see them then you never will. George Bush has run our country into the ground and people who would consider voting for him are morally, spiritually, and soon to be economically bankrupt. I mean the other day he said, "the terrorists are out to destroy our country and so are we". Wow, speaking subliminal truths Mr. Bush? I think so................
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