Friday, August 20, 2004

Questionable Tactics

I think that if George Bush does not honor John Kerry's service, he should just come out and say it, instead of using PAC 527's to question, dishonor, and attack Kerry's military service in Vietnam. There are a few problems with all of this. First, the elephant in the room.....Let's for one second say that the world was magically changed and history was rewritten to support your sides wacked-out claims of Kerry going behind everyones back to receive medals, him writing his own reports, and now since Larry Thurlow has been proven a liar-he said Kerry wrote his claim for a Bronze Star- so we'll say, for sake of argument, that Kerry lied and had this awe inspiring pull in the Navy not only to write his own reports and get medals, but to write reports of others also and get them medals (Larry Thurlow). OK..... So with all that said, is being in a swiftboat on a river in Vietnam (which no one disputes) closer to war than being in the US- Not showing up, at the least and flat-out partying and being a drunk, at the worst? Which one is closer to war? Oh yeah.......probably Vietnam huh? Then if you throw in the little fact that John Kerry did not lie at all see what I'm saying. If when assuming Kerry lied, he still wins in this "military service challenge", just imagine it when it's played out in truth.......Let's look at a few things. Well there is Larry Thurlow, he has been a leading member of the SwiftboatLiarsForNon-Truths and a writer in the book they have coming out. In the commercial he claims that on the day when John Kerry saved Jim Rassman that they received no fire from banks of river and claimed Kerry lied to get his Bronze star.....he does not dispute that Kerry saved Jim, he just says there was no fire. Well the media got Larry Thurlow's military records and how funny that he received a Bronze star on the same day and in the same incident as Kerry and in his report from back then it says that there was small arms and ammunitions fire from both banks of river, and that's one reason why he was awarded it also. He claims to have never known that and......wait a second you do not know what your own military record says about your service but you're questioning someone elses and your records dispute your claim and back up the other guys.....must be frustrating, huh Larry? How about Dr. Louis Letson, who in the commercial says he treated Kerry for his first Purple Heart and he did not deserve it and blah blah blah...but if you check and see Kerry's first Purple Heart, you can see that Mr. Letson never treated must be frustrating huh Louis? And George Bush wants to act like he does not have a hand in these ads....please Mr. President not everyone is as dumb as you. Granted some folks would follow you in lock step to their own death but that does not mean the rest of us are idiots. Bottom line- John Kerry was in Vietnam carrying an M-16 while you were in the US carrying a 6 pack of 16 must be frustrating huh George?


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