Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Liar Steps Down

The public face of Bush's regime of liars , Scott McClellan, is stepping down. This guy has told more lies than Karl Rove in a CIA leak investigation. Not only has he lied, but he also has berated press reporters for asking him questions. Exactly what did you think your job was Mr. McClellan? Exactly who did you think was supposed to ask you questions? Oh yeah I forgot, you guys in this Administration either want your questions to be pre-screened (and your crowds), or you do not want questions at all. Karl Rove is also stepping down from his position and is going to work focusing on the 2006 elections. Like Randi Rhodes said, it is ironic that the man whose policies all the Republicans are running away from now in the elections, Karl Rove, is going to help them win the 2006 elections. Same kind of circular logic Republicans always use. Well, I guess it does make sense to them, somehow.


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How we have survived since 2001 is a real miracle. America has suffered major blows below the belt that will take fifty rears to amend. I hope, with all that is in me, the Democrats take both houses and impeach "W" before he does more harm. What ever happened to punishment for treason? "W" flat out killed folks in Texas with no loss of sleep and has done even more internationally. The man is a serial killer. Roosevelt must be rolling in his grave.


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