Monday, July 26, 2004

Hope I'm The First To Call It; Probably Not!

   I'm listening live to Hilary Clinton speak right now and it's obvious, she will be the first women President of the United States. Anyone who does not think that, does not think. That's all for now, for I must listen and learn from Bill Clinton; the best speaker ever!!!

The Democratic National Convention

   How great is it folks? A party that actually represents a diversity of people, instead of a cardboard cutout model of one class and one race of people. People of America, if you cannot see what is going on right in front of your eyes, then no one can show you. If you cannot hear what is being delivered directly to your ears, then no one can tell you. I just have been watching my convention party and Gov. Richardson is about to speak now (at 8:00 on primetime), so I will leave for now, but please folks- WAKE UP AND REALIZE WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON, IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Just Look At The Facts, Please: Our Future Is At Stake

   Why not look at the facts? Facts others seem to be oblivious to, or maybe they are just to brainwashed to even look. It's insane but in American politics facts do not matter, people do not consider those; for they might actually shed light on the complete fallacies that these folks perpetuate as real. Take a quick, and yes partisan, look at the FACTS. Both candidates went to Yale: one was a leader of debate team, athlete in a few sports, eloquent speaker, a man of intelligence, who was a born leader and deserved to be there. The other was a man who is obviously not what we consider intellectual, got into Yale because of who his families name was and not because of any potential he had, he passed through not on his preparation or knowledge but simply because of his last name. 
   After Yale, one volunteered to GO INTO VIETNAM AND ACTUALLY SERVE HIS COUNTRY, one joined a core where he knew he would never be called to serve and who's father could get him out of anything. Mr. Kerry earned 3 purple hearts, 1 bronze star and 1 silver star while Mr. Bush earned vacations from duty (even in his chosen core) and also earned the right to not even show up or pass physicals.
   The bottom line and most telling thing about the whole situation is that when Kerry came home and felt the war was wrong he stood up against it and had the courage to captivate a nation, while Mr. Bush, and Mr. Cheney-who got 5 deferments-both, still today, think that the Vietnam war was a just war. Yes, yes I bet the both of you, Bush and Cheney, do feel like wars that your country are in and you are at age to serve and weasel your way out of are just wars. But I ask you two gentleman, had you served and lost arms,legs,limbs, been paralyzed, or watched many close friends die, would the war still have been just to you guys? I guess we'll never know because when there was that time, that chance to prove yourself-to yourself, not in national spotlights, you two gentleman ran and hid like the weasels you are, and it's obvious to anyone with half-a-brain. Yes, felllows you did that, while Mr. Kerry served proudly and courageously. I ask the folks of America, who is better to lead our nation? Seems very obvious to me.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Seriously, Who Would Vote For Bush?

  I really am surprised that Bush will even get 10% of the vote, and I know it's going to be a close race. I just cannot, for the life of me, figure out who these people are that are going to vote for Bush. I mean really, who wants another four years of this garbage. I cannot even understand a fully crazy, right-wing, non-tolerant, conservative voting for Bush. Bush is a bad President and he's gotten so many average Americans involved in politics, just to get him out of office. Job well done George, tons of Americans are willing to volunteer now-maybe because they do not have jobs. Some people cannot seem to find jobs in this booming economy. Booming economy-lol, it's a joke; unless your a Republican-then there really is a boomin economy. Americans, Americans- I call on all of you to wake up, register to vote, then get out there in November and let's take our country back from this supreme court elected President. 

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Edwards It Is

Yesterday, John Kerry announced-from my state and like 45 minutes from my house-his pick of Senator John Edwards(NC). I think this was a good pick overall and probably the best pick for the ticket. I think that most people that consider themselves center, or even those that don't always vote will be energized by Edwards as the VP pick. I think the average person has always "knew" that Edwards was going to be the pick. But to those of us who follow, and know a good deal about politics it was not always so "obvious". Because of the fact that Dick Gephardt has paid his dues and had more experience, some even liked and wanted Wesley Clark-whose experience is unrivaled as far as military, war, security, maybe even leadership. A couple others who it was fairly obvious would not get picked but whom, nevertheless would have been acceptable and energizing to the base but maybe not to independants, were Senator Hilary Rodham-Clinton (NY) or Governor Howard Dean (VT). However, now that the pick is in most everyone is extremely happy and all think it will pull independants over to our side and give more of an edge to Kerry. I also think that Edwards was the Possible VP pick of Kerry that the Bush/Cheney team feared the most. The presidential debate is an easy one for Kerry, who was head of the debate team at Yale. He will be able to run through Bush thoroughly and make him look like a fool. The Edwards/Cheney debate will be more close. Cheney is pretty shrewd and does know a lot, having worked in Washington so long, but Edwards is a former trial lawyer who has made a living arguing-especially against "big business"-and will be expected to attack Cheney on the no-bid Haliburton contracts, so this debate should be interesting. I'm just hoping that Americans will smarten up because it's obvious that Bush should not only not win, but he should not even get 20% of the vote. I know he will get more, but he shouldn't. If we want a better America at home, that's also repsected again-in the world, while also combating terrorism, keeping us safer and also at some peace(not huge quagmire wars), then the choice of Kerry/Edwards is the most basic, easiest and smartest choice for America.