Playing Politics With Security
George Bush likes to play politics with national security. I'm not talking about the suspicious raising of the terror alert level; even though at the raising Tom Ridge said something like "we only received this new information because of the actions of the Bush Administration". LOL he should have just worn a Bush/Cheney '04 shirt while he raised the level. These guys in the Bush administration are commical but it gets scary that folks, in our country, still trust him. Let us see what else Mr. Bush has done recently: He outed the name of one of the only "double agents" that we had working for us in Al-Qaeda- Mahammed Khan- and he did it in order to raise and then justify the raising of the terror threat. So now not only has this administration compromised and exposed one of our actual undercover CIA agents- Mrs. Plame-because they disagreed with an op-ed piece her husband wrote. Now they out Mr. Khan because they needed to raise the terror threat level.......this is getting sickening to me. Last but not least is the fact the he nominated Porter Goss for DCI (Head of CIA).......Porter Goss huh? A man from, you guessed it, Florida. And a man who was once a member of the CIA; great person to get to change the CIA huh? Besides all this the man, Porter Goss, is on video tape saying that he's not qualified for the job.....LOL perfect selection for the Bushies.....I wish I had more time today to explore these mistakes more because I could write a novel on this administrations mistakes....I just do not see how anyone would vote for this man....One last thing, did you see his plans for re-shifting our military? If that does not scare you.....what does? Even Sen. McCain said in session today that he was worried about the administrations plans for troop movement.....I'm done here, and since Bush keeps saying that we have turned the corner, I'll end on what Bill Maher asked, " Mr. President if we have turned the corner...what are you still doing here"?
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