Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Hypocrite or Just Republican?

I love the fact that whenever Teresa Heinz-Kerry speaks out and says what she means. Like telling reporter to "shove it" and more recently, while hecklers with bullhorns shouted over her, "four more years", she said back to the crowd, "they want four more years of hell". LOL she's the greatest. Anyhow is it not funny that Republicans seem to be overly angry about this and also, it seems to be running on a lot of news channels very frequently. But on the same token, when Dick Cheney told Sen. Pat Leahy (VT), on the Senate floor, to "fu** off", it was not that big of a deal and in fact was not played for days on news channels, every hour (Fox-LOL dummies). Yet another example of how there is not only not a "liberal media bias", but really actually is a conservative media bias.
One other thing I must repeat. Republicans say the economy is booming, at the same time Tom Ridge is considering quitting because of worries over his duaghters college expenses. LOL- He makes $175,000 a year and owns 2-3 houses ( 1 worth $800,000). Geez Tom, it must be tough LOL. But of course they think someone working for $7.00 an hour should be able to afford food, shelter, health care for the family, cars, houses, and also send thier kids to college. It's dumb and laughable.
And did you catch, in Tom Ridges terror warning yesterday, he actually said "this information is a result of President Bush's actions on fighting terrorism". LOL but it wasn't a political thing, hehehehehehe, dummies.
Also how about Bush saying that he would have went to war anyway, even knowing what he knows now. Interesting, don't you think? Face it, this President is a complete and utter liar and anyone who would even consider voting for Bush is morally,environmentally,intellectually, and even spiritually- BANKRUPT. Those are the facts and that is your choice.


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