Sunday, August 01, 2004

Finally, I Agree With Bush-RESULTS MATTER

How funny it seems to me to hear George Bush say "results matter". LOL, what planet has he been on for the last four years? What country has he been leading? What results did he give us with his Supreme Court-Elect Presidency? That's right folks, none. That is, of course, if you don't count- the biggest deficit ever, tax breaks for corporations and rich folks, wars of choice/quagmire wars, the biggest isolation of our country from the world ever, possible cures for numerous diseases with stem cell research(but not with Bush's Theocracy), and the Taliban-Yes I said Taliban- still run parts of Afghanistan and Al-Qaeda is not only strong but has thousands more recruits; All thanks to George Bush. So, we agree George, results matter. I ask anyone to show me even one positive result from Bush (not counting a corporation or rich folks getting richer).
How funny that Republicans talk about a "booming economy", while at the same exact time Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge is considering resigning because of economic circumstances due to his daughters future college tuition. LOL, he makes $175,000 a year but wait, he has from 2-4 houses (one worth over $800,000), and probably owns stock and stuff. So middle class Americans should be able to afford everfything including college tuition for children on probably 10-15 times less than what Tom Ridge makes/owns, when Tom Ridge cannot even do it; it's laughable. Bush will say "average Americans pay has increased"- LOL and he supposedly has an economics degree. Let me explain it to you George- If I weigh 100 pounds and dDick Cheney weighs 500 pounds, our average weight is 300 pounds; but I ask you George, would that make me any fatter or Cheney any skinnier? NO, so put that fact into money- If Bush gives some guy like Cheney a $300,000 tax cut and an average person gets $300, it's true that they each would "average" a $150,150 tax cut-but in the scenario did Cheney still not get $300,000 and average guy still only end up with $300? Of course, but that's is pure Republican spin masters at work and it's frightening that people actually will believe them.
One last thing I must say- Republicans face facts, in probably 10-20 years you will not have a party anymore. Your party is a party of rich,white,extremist idealogues and it's like that by choice. At a time when the rich white people are shrinking and growing numbers in the latino community; it;s only a matter of time for your party. Maybe if your party was not so narrow-minded, extreme, and prejudice it could flourish and grow, but that's your choice. See our party, the DEMOCRATS TRULY ARE THE PARTY OF THE PEOPLE. We have all types of diverse groups in our party, just like America-the way it should be. We have no skin color requirement, no specific faith requirement, and no economic barriers to joining our party. It's truly laughable for Republicans to think they represent the "true America", when it's obvious to anyone looking who represents who. Just look at the diversity at our convention, I'm sure the Republicans will have such a diverse group- LOL. Also, it was nice to see and hear from people who actually served in Vietnam with Kerry. They were all on stage with him, but I'm sure the Republicans will also have all the men George W. Bush served with onstage at their convention- LOL if they can find 1 guy.


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