Thursday, April 27, 2006

Lies, Gas, and Money

Well folks, have you heard the news? Exxon is reporting a first quarter profits, that is the first 3- three- months of this year, of $84.4 billion, yes billion. It is the highest reported profit ever in a single 3 month quarter. If you ask, "why are gas prices so high?" and you get the answer, "because acquiring gas is now more expensive for oil companies, so they have to pass that on to us consumers", then you know that either the person answering does not know what the hell they are talking about or they are just flat out not telling the truth. Logic would tell you that if a company is passing on only its new expenses and nothing extra, then the company should only be making as much profit as it was before the higher price. This however is not the case and oil companies are all making record profits. How can that possibly make any sense if they are not price gouging? Anyone with a logical answer is enouraged to leave it here as a comment because I truly need to hear that one. Not only are they making record profits but remember that these oil companies also get corporate welfare in the form of crazy tax cuts and also incentives to do things that they should be doing anyway. Now profiteering in the time of war is treason in my opinion, and a lot of other people's opinion too. So let us get to the real facts of this situation, or at the very least let us, the American people, realize what the Republicans and their cronies are doin to me, you, and most of all our country.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Double Standard

Mary McCarthy, a CIA member, was fired from her job on charges that she leaked classified information. She is thought to have leaked the information about the CIA having secret prisons in Europe. While it is true she should not have leaked any classified information, if this is true, let us look at this for what it is by contrasting it with our own Administration's political (criminal) leaks. For the sake of argument, let us say that Mary did it. She leaked information about her employment agency doing something that was illegal in the name of all Americans. On the other hand the Bush Administration leaked a CIA officers name-Plamegate anyone?-, in order to get back at her husband for telling the truth about things leading up to the Iraq war. And for all you Rush listeners who will think this uter nonsense because of his lies, "she was not a covert agent, she had a NOC- non-official cover"..... Well if your cover is "official" then you are a diplomat (something with immunity) officially and if you get into trouble, you are still OK (maybe kicked out of country but not jailed or killed) but if you have a NOC- non-official cover then you are not a diplomat, you do not have immunity and if you get into trouble then you are on your own. So you see, actually what this Administration did was treason. So you all need to quit haggling Mary McCarthy and if you really had any guts, morals, or patriotism then call out this President and quit with your obvious double standard.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Santorum Must Go

Being that I live in Pennsylvania it is of utmost importance to me, to see Rick Santorum lose his Senate seat. Now you probably think I want him to lose to Bob Casey Jr. but that is not necessarily the case. You see, if the Democratic nominee is Bob Casey Jr., then of course I want Casey to beat Santorum. I know Casey probably will be the Democratic nominee based on name recognition alone but the fact is, is that he does not deserve to be the Democratic nominee. A man by the name of Chuck Pennacchio desrves that honor. Pennacchio was inspiring in the first of the debates, which I was in the audience for. Pennacchio received most of the crowd eruptions and applauses. Plus Pennacchio had the best ideas and priorities. Pennacchio clearly deserves to be the Senator from Pennsylvania and it is a shame to know that he probably will not make it past the primaries to get his shot. With that said, if and when Casey wins the primary it is an absolute must that he unseats Rick Santorum.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Liar Steps Down

The public face of Bush's regime of liars , Scott McClellan, is stepping down. This guy has told more lies than Karl Rove in a CIA leak investigation. Not only has he lied, but he also has berated press reporters for asking him questions. Exactly what did you think your job was Mr. McClellan? Exactly who did you think was supposed to ask you questions? Oh yeah I forgot, you guys in this Administration either want your questions to be pre-screened (and your crowds), or you do not want questions at all. Karl Rove is also stepping down from his position and is going to work focusing on the 2006 elections. Like Randi Rhodes said, it is ironic that the man whose policies all the Republicans are running away from now in the elections, Karl Rove, is going to help them win the 2006 elections. Same kind of circular logic Republicans always use. Well, I guess it does make sense to them, somehow.