Spy In The Pentagon?
There is a story of a possible spy (for Israel) in the Pentagon. One who either passed on classified documents, made false documents to persuade us to war, or both. Great......Another lovely thing done by this administration. Folks on the right do not understand that George Bush and his people play fun 'n games politics with our national security but the problem is, is that it's not a fun 'n games matter; not at all. First, putting out the name of one of our CIA officials, over a disagreement with her husband. Then putting out Khan's name-who was working for us in Al-Qaeda- just so they could justify raising the terror threat, they put his name out there. Now people on the crazy right actually talk about Michael Moore sitting with Mrs. Carter as extremely bad but if I recall correctly, Ahmad Chalabi sat with Mrs. Bush at the State of the Union- so figure which is worse......a film maker or a criminal, liar, possible spy? Yeah, that's what I thought. Then there Sibel Edmonds, a true patriot, fired for whistleblowing the FBI for incompetence and hiring spies-check her name up and read her story. So now on top of that, we have a possible spy, very high up. spying for Israel.....LOL who would have thunk it? This somehow will look good in the Arab world, right? Wake-up people. I do not care if your a Republican or Democrat, if you vote for Bush the idiot...you just flat out have mental issues that need to be dealt with. This, our national security, is just one thing. What about the economy....are you doing good? No. How about health care....is it more affordable and available? No. How about education....are college tuitions going down and are our children getting the education they need and deserve? No. How about you personally......are you better off than you were four years ago? No. So, in reality.........should you vote for George Bush in 2004? No. And it's so obvious it's not even funny......it's scary because people actually will answer all my questions..No, as I did, but they will still vote for Bush. Out of "principle". Great let's make our country worse, our people worse off and every other country hate us, plus lets keep starting wars....all in the name of "principle" and religion.......sounds like the philosophy held by Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, (and the Bush administration) doesn't it? The only difference is a difference of religion......Please wake-up America and see what Bush is really doing to our country....destroying it.....
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