Monday, June 14, 2004

Work Together For America

We need to, as a country, work completely together for the benefit of our next generations. That's the bottom line and I'm sick of the partisan fighting, that hurts us as a whole. i don't mind partisan bickering and arguing to prove a point or show your side but to just be critical or vote a certain way, out of partisan principle, and it hurts our country is just unacceptable. Here are some things we, as a nation, must do. And I'm not being critical of anyone in particular.
We have to have a better educational system starting now and it must be complete for all students, from day one. We must also help out our college students, a lot more and offer incentives or do what we have to do, to get more students involved in science and things we need. Our children and grandchildren, along with education, are the complete future of our country.
We have to make sure that out military is not only built up but fully equipped with anything and everything they need to fight and survive. It's unacceptable to send these guys into battle without everything they need, there is no other way to say it, it's just a must. These guys sacrifice everything for us, the least we can do is provide them with all they need.
Also, we must have a more adequate health care system for all. Health care needs to be free, for all Americans, no matter what. Medicine should also be free to all Americans, no excuses. Even more so, these military guys don't get the healthcare that they need. Even when they come back as amputees. This is sickening and totally unacceptable. I can't express how angry this makes me feel. There are no words thatcan accurately describe my feelings toward things of this nature.
While there are so many more things we need to do to run our country better, these ones are the ones that need attention now. These things must get the help from our government that they need and these things need to happen. Education, Military, and Health Care- All essential for our countrys survival and well-being and definately needed if we plan on staying as an advanced society, with all of our freedoms and stuill being heavily protected. I hope our leaders can figure this stuff out and really get a move on fixing them all.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Foreign Leaders Show Disrespect To US

Some foreign leaders chose to blatantly disrespect the US, Ronald Reagan and his family. These people did not attend his funeral, and some only would to have had to extend their trip a day or so because they were already here for the G8 summit. This is not only disrespectful but foolish on some of their parts because all Americans, like me, will see this as blatant, obvious disrespect to our country.
Here they are, the leaders who chose to turn their back on our country. Chirac (france), he is a little punk anyways and most Americans probably hate him to begin with. Putin (russia), he would be out of place anyway, being he is a KGB guy and all, and Reagan had a hand in their crumbling. Martin (canada), whatever, just be lucky we are a good nation. Fox (Mexico), another whatever, and be lucky we are a good nation. All of these leaders are little childish punks and they should be spit on if they ever come here again.
Other countrys and people showed the utmost respect for us and the Regean family. Britian, not only had PM Tony Blair but also had ex-PM Margeret Thatcher and even Prince of Wailes. Mikhail Gorbechev was also in attendance and their were numerous others to be noted. I just thought I would point out the ones who chose to turn their backs on all of us, in one of our nations somber moments.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Everyone Needs To Get Off The CIA's Back

The bottom line is, a lot of people are pretty idiotic. You know what, I do not care if they are Republicans or Democrats, cuz there are members of both parties. And it's not a political or partisan opinion I'm about to express. That's why I will say that whoever has the opposite opinion (Rep. or Dem.), is either- not thinking or not intelligent to begin with.
Here is the problem: There is too much blame for everything on the CIA. Yes, they deserve criticism but it's getting to the ridiculous point. There are many things that must be looked at. They took huge cuts in funding after the Cold War and only recently, after 9/11, did they get good increases in funding. No funding or inadequate all those years caused them to not be able to hire intelligence members and their existing members did not have the funds to recruit the needed defactors from other countries. America as a country, cannot say, well 9/11 happened and it was CIA fault, bad intelligence in Iraq was CIA fault when, in reality, it's not true. They deserve some blame but so do a lot of other things. I mean TIME magazine and others have faulted the CIA for not knowing Pakistan was going to test a Nuke. C'mon, unless they were being funded well for many, many years, that's not their fault. I would love to know how these stupid people think intelligence works. I want to know how long and how much it costs, and how much work and risk, these idiots think it takes. Seems they believe that for a few million a year,a couple people and the CIA should not only know everything about every country but also know everything about rogue terrorist groups, like Al-Qaeda are doing. This is dumb, and I'm sick of these people. Fund them well now, and as Tenet said it will take 5 years to re-build it the way we need it. A lot of intelligence officials say it will take 10 years. So fully fund them and wait for them to re-build, so in 10 years we will have a solid system. Do not put full blame where it should not fully rest.
Also, this talk about a new intelligence agency, or a new type of director over all intelligence is also stupid. Have we not learned, that one reason 9/11 happened was because there were too many intelligence agencies that did not communicate or function well together. So, what's the solution? Create another agency? I do not think so, but some people do. I'll never understand these peoples point of view. My only hope is that they start to pay attention,think beyond simplistic terms, and snap into reality before making a problem worse by offering to fix it with more of the problem.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

President Ronald Reagan Sadly Passes Away

President Ronald Reagan passed away on Saturday and my deepest sympathy goes out to the Reagan family. I must say this. I was shocked and basically sickened by a few extreme people, who made horrible comments on C-Span in reference to Reagan. This is outright wrong and now could never be the right time to cruely criticize. The old adage, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all", may not apply regularly in politics, but it has to sometimes. Now is one of those times, it's unacceptable to say bad things about this man at this time. I seriously sk myself, "why are people so hateful, do they not have feelings"? We, all Americans, need to think about this: Even if you do not like him, was he not a patriot? Did he not truly love America? Was he not a god fearing christian? Just consider these things before bad-mouthing the man, especially a former President.
The fact is I do not like George W. Bush much at all and I bad-mouth him frequently. I disagree with almost every policy he has and virtually do not like a person in his administration. But in say 30-40 years when he passes, I will not say bad things about him on that day, or even that month, maybe. You have to have a heart. I guess some people seriously do not and these people were openly heard on C-Span. What a complete shame and they are the people of this nation who are shameful,hateful,heartless and all the rest of the adjectives that actively describe people like that.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Is Bush the Worst President in History?

I think anyone who says yes to this question, definately has a super strong case for themselves. Anyone who says no, might have a point. As long as they say something like, "He is not the worst, there were 1-2 that were worse. This position could spark a healthy debate. A logical debate. You know what could spark a laughable, one-sided debate. If someone actually had the nerve to call him the best President ever. This will not happen, not even his right-wing religous fanatics or his no tax paying corporations could hold a straight enough face to make that claim. Americans are fed up with this President. If one thing I learned from the Bill Clinton witch hunt impeachment, it is that Americans do not like liars. That, in itself, is what poses the problems for this administration. And whether they are liars or just make extremely bad estimates, it does not matter. To the American people, it looks like a big ball of lies. Maybe it would be OK, if these lies, or extraordinarily bad estimates, had no "real effect" on America, but that's just not the case at all. They have powerful profound effects on just about everything about us, as seen through the eyes of someone outside the country.

I believe Americans are too smart to elect Bush a first time, so he will lose in November. I'm sure that the same results will come through as 2000 (only by a lot more) and Bush will once again end up in second place. Only this time without prejudice vote organizers, faulty vote counting system, and without giving the court the chance to select our president. We want a President-elect not a President-select. Extremely big difference.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Tenet Resigns

Ok so now George Tenet has resigned and taken accountability, do you think others that should will follow his lead? Let's face it, he's not the only one that should go. I, personally, did not feel he should resign. I know many Americans think he should resign and that's fine. I know he had more than a few failures, but I did not want him to resign, I like him a lot. He's like an idol to me, he's so smart and has a clear view of all of our security needs. He did serve our country well in his tenure as CIA director and he will be missed by a lot of Americans. He will leave in mid-July and John McLaughlin (CIA Deputy Director) will take over as acting Director. Tenet says that he quit for "personal reasons" and to spend more time with his family. Most believe it was for proffesional reasons and I seem to agree. I also think that he did not like the way things were going, so far as them getting blamed for things they did not deserve to be blamed and also the 9/11 commission hinting that they might suggest a new infrastructure and new set-up for the intelligence community. I am sad to see him go and feel he could have improved the agency, still more than he already did. I hope Mr. McLaughlin does his job well and he is a good man who is out to serve our country 100%.

Suicide and Soldeirs

There has been an abnormal amount of suicides amoongst soldiers serving in Iraq. This story has gotten no real media coverage because, of course, soldiers commit suicide in all wars, but this is different. The numbers, when compared to other conflicts, are astounding. The full news report, with all the stats and facts can be found at
The reasons for these abnormal numbers are striking but virtually unconfirmable. They are all compounded to make it hard to see in an overview but if you look closely, the reasons are there. One reason is that in this war there are a lot more National Guard and Reserve, whom usually do not have as much stress training to deal with combat as active duty military members. Another reason is because they are being forced to stay, either in Iraq, or in the military, longer than they were either told or signed up for. This, of course, causes a lot of stress- when you're already stressed and then finding out, you must stay, against your wishes- it's depressing stuff. Yet another reason, is that the Guard and Reserves do not keep up with paperwork on all members, as the active military does, therefore- Reservists and Guards who already have mental problems are being deployed, when they should not be. This happens because if a Reservists is having mental problems he may not inform them, or else he will be kicked out. So they do not tell and then at war time get deployed, this is dangerous. While I'm not sure exactly what to do about this, I just thought I would report this and be open for comments and suggestions.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Saudi's: Trusted Friend or Sneaky Foe?

This question is meant to be dead serious and it's something that we, Americans, need to be openly discussing. Forget the criticism that might come from "our friends" the Saudi's, they do not run our government(not openly anyway j/k), and this conversation needs to happen amongst us, average Americans, who have no vested interest in oil (other than for our cars, personal use)like companies, corporations that they used to run/own and so forth. This has to happen because Bush's America is just about running circles around itself with hypocrisy, idiotic policies, blindly turning away from the elephant in the room.
This is how it is- FACT: 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Yeah, I know all the excuses, that's what Bin Laden wanted-to put a strain on our relationship. I took this at it's word for a while but then began thinking. Imagine Bin Laden wanted to stir-up conflict between us and Israel/Britian/Canada/Mexico etc., any of these countries. And he actually gets 15 of 19 from any country I just mentioned- what would happen? Not much because we, as Americans, know that these governments are not hostile towards us, or teach their people to hate us. There is the problem we run into, right there, with the Saudis. So, maybe Bin Laden-with or without trying- opened our eyes up to what is now obvious to every American and should have been well known before by our government- that the Saudi's saw no problem with terrorists, no problem with those who want to kill, and in fact basically teach extremism in their "madrasa". They did not care, so long as the targets were the West. So long as it was us. They did not really start to care until recently, when they can noe see for themselves that these terrorists want them dead and gone, just like they want us dead and gone. Cooperating, not to help your friend in dire need, but to help yourself when the same threat arises to you.
I ask all Americans to openly discuss this issue: Are the Saudi's true friends or sneaky foes?