President Ronald Reagan Sadly Passes Away
President Ronald Reagan passed away on Saturday and my deepest sympathy goes out to the Reagan family. I must say this. I was shocked and basically sickened by a few extreme people, who made horrible comments on C-Span in reference to Reagan. This is outright wrong and now could never be the right time to cruely criticize. The old adage, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all", may not apply regularly in politics, but it has to sometimes. Now is one of those times, it's unacceptable to say bad things about this man at this time. I seriously sk myself, "why are people so hateful, do they not have feelings"? We, all Americans, need to think about this: Even if you do not like him, was he not a patriot? Did he not truly love America? Was he not a god fearing christian? Just consider these things before bad-mouthing the man, especially a former President.
The fact is I do not like George W. Bush much at all and I bad-mouth him frequently. I disagree with almost every policy he has and virtually do not like a person in his administration. But in say 30-40 years when he passes, I will not say bad things about him on that day, or even that month, maybe. You have to have a heart. I guess some people seriously do not and these people were openly heard on C-Span. What a complete shame and they are the people of this nation who are shameful,hateful,heartless and all the rest of the adjectives that actively describe people like that.
I wasn't aware of it at the time, but apparently Reagan wasn't liked very much in his early years. He was viewed as having crazy economic policies (lower taxes and increase spending), but history was good to him. After a few years, federal revenues actually increased as the economy improved. Opinions vary as to his role in bringing down the USSR, but nearly every one gives him some credit.
I think you hit the nail on the head, though. In the week after his passing you would think political commentators could be charitable, and put aside partisan differences.
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