Thursday, June 03, 2004

Suicide and Soldeirs

There has been an abnormal amount of suicides amoongst soldiers serving in Iraq. This story has gotten no real media coverage because, of course, soldiers commit suicide in all wars, but this is different. The numbers, when compared to other conflicts, are astounding. The full news report, with all the stats and facts can be found at
The reasons for these abnormal numbers are striking but virtually unconfirmable. They are all compounded to make it hard to see in an overview but if you look closely, the reasons are there. One reason is that in this war there are a lot more National Guard and Reserve, whom usually do not have as much stress training to deal with combat as active duty military members. Another reason is because they are being forced to stay, either in Iraq, or in the military, longer than they were either told or signed up for. This, of course, causes a lot of stress- when you're already stressed and then finding out, you must stay, against your wishes- it's depressing stuff. Yet another reason, is that the Guard and Reserves do not keep up with paperwork on all members, as the active military does, therefore- Reservists and Guards who already have mental problems are being deployed, when they should not be. This happens because if a Reservists is having mental problems he may not inform them, or else he will be kicked out. So they do not tell and then at war time get deployed, this is dangerous. While I'm not sure exactly what to do about this, I just thought I would report this and be open for comments and suggestions.


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