Everyone Needs To Get Off The CIA's Back
The bottom line is, a lot of people are pretty idiotic. You know what, I do not care if they are Republicans or Democrats, cuz there are members of both parties. And it's not a political or partisan opinion I'm about to express. That's why I will say that whoever has the opposite opinion (Rep. or Dem.), is either- not thinking or not intelligent to begin with.
Here is the problem: There is too much blame for everything on the CIA. Yes, they deserve criticism but it's getting to the ridiculous point. There are many things that must be looked at. They took huge cuts in funding after the Cold War and only recently, after 9/11, did they get good increases in funding. No funding or inadequate all those years caused them to not be able to hire intelligence members and their existing members did not have the funds to recruit the needed defactors from other countries. America as a country, cannot say, well 9/11 happened and it was CIA fault, bad intelligence in Iraq was CIA fault when, in reality, it's not true. They deserve some blame but so do a lot of other things. I mean TIME magazine and others have faulted the CIA for not knowing Pakistan was going to test a Nuke. C'mon, unless they were being funded well for many, many years, that's not their fault. I would love to know how these stupid people think intelligence works. I want to know how long and how much it costs, and how much work and risk, these idiots think it takes. Seems they believe that for a few million a year,a couple people and the CIA should not only know everything about every country but also know everything about rogue terrorist groups, like Al-Qaeda are doing. This is dumb, and I'm sick of these people. Fund them well now, and as Tenet said it will take 5 years to re-build it the way we need it. A lot of intelligence officials say it will take 10 years. So fully fund them and wait for them to re-build, so in 10 years we will have a solid system. Do not put full blame where it should not fully rest.
Also, this talk about a new intelligence agency, or a new type of director over all intelligence is also stupid. Have we not learned, that one reason 9/11 happened was because there were too many intelligence agencies that did not communicate or function well together. So, what's the solution? Create another agency? I do not think so, but some people do. I'll never understand these peoples point of view. My only hope is that they start to pay attention,think beyond simplistic terms, and snap into reality before making a problem worse by offering to fix it with more of the problem.
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