Saudi's: Trusted Friend or Sneaky Foe?
This question is meant to be dead serious and it's something that we, Americans, need to be openly discussing. Forget the criticism that might come from "our friends" the Saudi's, they do not run our government(not openly anyway j/k), and this conversation needs to happen amongst us, average Americans, who have no vested interest in oil (other than for our cars, personal use)like companies, corporations that they used to run/own and so forth. This has to happen because Bush's America is just about running circles around itself with hypocrisy, idiotic policies, blindly turning away from the elephant in the room.
This is how it is- FACT: 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Yeah, I know all the excuses, that's what Bin Laden wanted-to put a strain on our relationship. I took this at it's word for a while but then began thinking. Imagine Bin Laden wanted to stir-up conflict between us and Israel/Britian/Canada/Mexico etc., any of these countries. And he actually gets 15 of 19 from any country I just mentioned- what would happen? Not much because we, as Americans, know that these governments are not hostile towards us, or teach their people to hate us. There is the problem we run into, right there, with the Saudis. So, maybe Bin Laden-with or without trying- opened our eyes up to what is now obvious to every American and should have been well known before by our government- that the Saudi's saw no problem with terrorists, no problem with those who want to kill, and in fact basically teach extremism in their "madrasa". They did not care, so long as the targets were the West. So long as it was us. They did not really start to care until recently, when they can noe see for themselves that these terrorists want them dead and gone, just like they want us dead and gone. Cooperating, not to help your friend in dire need, but to help yourself when the same threat arises to you.
I ask all Americans to openly discuss this issue: Are the Saudi's true friends or sneaky foes?
On the surface, this one's easy: Sneaky foe.
But if that were really the case, then the Saudi's would be pumping only 5,000,000 barrels of crude a day, and the price per barrel would be north of $50. Let's face it, we are really at the mercy of the Saudis with respect to our energy needs.
The problem lies in the unrest and general dissatisfaction of Saudi citizens who resent the royal family, who resent US aid to Israel, and who want to Islamisize the world. Until more of the Saudi people become part of their political process, we will see more jihadists being born in Saudi Arabia.
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