Saturday, May 29, 2004

World War II Memorial

For this entry, I must not focus on politics and the splitting of our country. I will write about the generation of world war II. A generation, not focused on what seperated them, but rather what brought them all together. For they all sacrificed, and all focused on common ground and what kept them, as a nation, stuck together. Had they not done that, our nation probably would not be as it is today. For this, all generations younger, must show unreserved gratitude and respect. For thier extraordinary bravery
and willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, for all of us, without giving it a second thought. We must not forget these things ever and must always show how we remember. It has taken too long for this memorial to be done and I understand the concern from some, that- "it's too small to show thier sacrifice" or "the design is not fit for this memorial" etc. but, it is what it is, and we must except it and show appreciation for those whose sacrifice made it necessary. I truly thank all people from "the greatest generation" and especially those who served our country. I know there are no words or thank-you's that can be attributed to them, that are actually worthy of what they have done but it is still something we must all say. So, again:

Friday, May 28, 2004

Finally: Bush Wants Policy Laid Out By Kerry

I find it very interesting and a bit ironic, that Bush now wants the help of the UN. This is something that John Kerry basically called for a long time ago. And when he mentioned the US should seek help from the "corrupt UN"(as Republicans know it), the administration-and most republicans for that matter- were highly critical. But why? Well, of course, they sought political gain in the childish put-downs, of an obviously smarter, more courageous, more compassionate(compassionate conservative Mr.Bush-I think not)person. Well, you say, why then did the republicans recently let it be known that they crave help from the "corrupt UN"? Hypocrisy, of course. If the UN, or NATO, help out and all goes well, I'm sure Bush will spout-off, that this was his plan-touched by god-so naturally it was bound to work. Now if it fails, expect something like: Well I tried to share some power, let my opponent make a call, I followed his advice and look what it got us into.
Patiently, I sit and wait for the regular voting republicans to snap out of what I like to call "dreamland" and snap into reality. Just imagine if Bush were a Democrat, they would be all over him. Also exactly how is John Kerry such a liberal again? Well conservatives like to be fiscally sound-no deficits- so that takes Bush out of that category. Conservatives also like less government- well since Bush has sprung-up more government than any president ever, that takes him out of that category. How about immigration? Oh, he wants open borders. So how conservative is Bush again....or liberal? And, while he might be religious- there is a difference in being a healthy religous guy-as Kerry is- and being an extreme religous fanatic-as Bush is.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Even Republicans On The Hill Know Bush Should Go

Yes it's true, even republicans on the hill know Bush should go. A whole load of republicans have been critical of the Bush administration lately. Let's start with Chuck Hagel, or how about Dick Lugar, John McCain, or even Lindsey Graham, and those are just the Senators. He's been criticized about his handling of the war in Iraq- the lies leading up to the war, the post war planning, the lies about the cost of the war, the actual cost of the war-, he's been criticized about his "taking his eye off of Bin Laden", he's been criticized about his tax cuts-for trying to make them permanent, during 2 simultaneous wars, he's even been criticized (along with DoD) about how some of our reservists, when called up for duty-estimates are about one fourth= 25%- do not have health insurance and cannot go to battle.
Aside from Senators, other noteable republican figures who have been critical are: William Kristol, Fred Barnes, Tucker Carlson, and there are a slew more but I just cannot think of them right off the top of my head. They, most of them, have been critical of his handling of Iraq.
Then there is what I consider a highly sensitive crime/scandal, which Robert Novak-and many others, should be put in jail over, and that is the release of Joseph Wilson's wife name in an article. Mind you, she was an undercover CIA agent, how shady and sad is this? It not only puts his and her life at risk but what about all those people who have either worked with her, or worked for her unknowingly? I mean don't you think some of them will be killed? This breach of our CIA and treason of our country, is seriously one of the worst things that have been done over partisan hate politics that I have ever heard of, and yet nothing has happend yet. What about the accountability this court appointed president speaks about all the time? Yeah, exactly what I thought. There is none and there will not be any, ever. That is, until the voters get a chance to speak, then we will all see accountability.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Rules For Being A Good Republican

These are rules as told by a member of a different site. That site is and his name there is Booger. So, once again, this stuff is Booger's view and not mine, even though I pretty much agree lol. Depending on how I feel, later today or tomorrow, I might post some other peoples Democrats rules. Without further interruption I bring you
"Rules For Being A Good Republican"(as told by Booger)
The Rules For Being A Good Republican

1) You have to believe that Chinese Communist missiles have killed more Americans than handguns, alcohol, and tobacco. Tool!

2) Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you are a millionaire conservative radio jock, which makes it an "illness" and needs our prayers for your "recovery."

3) You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.

4) You have to believe that the US should get out of the UN, and that our highest national priority is enforcing UN resolutions against Iraq.

5) You have to believe that government should stay out of people's lives but it needs to punish anyone caught having private sex with the "wrong" gender.

6) You have to believe that pollution is ok, so long as it makes a profit.

7) You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don't pray to Allah or Buddha.

8) "Standing Tall for America" means firing your workers and moving their jobs to India.

9) You have to believe that a woman cannot be trusted with decisions about her own body, but that large multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind with no regulation whatsoever.

10) You have to believe that Jesus loves you, and that Jesus shares your hatred of AIDS victims, homosexuals, and Hillary Clinton.

11) You hate the ACLU for representing convicted felons, but they owed it to the country to bail out Oliver North.

12) You have to believe that the best way to encourage military morale is to praise the troops overseas while cutting their VA benefits.

13) You believe that group sex and drug use are degenerate sins that can only be purged by running for governor of California as a Republican.

14) You have to believe it is wise to keep condoms out of schools, because we all know if teenagers don't have condoms they won't have sex. Silly Republicans.

15) You have to believe that the best way to fight terrorism is to alienate our allies and then demand their cooperation and money.

16) You have to believe that government medicine is wrong and that HMO's and insurance companies only have your best interests at heart.

17) You have to believe that providing health care to all Iraqis is sound government policy but providing health care to all Americans is socialism personified.

18) You believe that tobacco's link to cancer and global warming are "junk science" but Creationism should be taught in schools.

19) You have to believe that waging war with no exit strategy was wrong in Vietnam but right in Iraq.

20) You have to believe that Saddam was good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney was doing business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.

21) You believe that government should restrict itself to just the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

22) You have to believe that the public has a right to know about the adulterous affairs of Democrats, while those of Republicans are a "private matter."

23) You have to believe that the public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades but that Bush was right to censor those 28 pages from the Congressional 9/11 report because you just can't handle the truth.

24) You support state rights, which means Ashcroft telling states what locally passed voter initiatives he will allow them to have.

25) You have to believe that what Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest but what Bush did decades later is "stale news" and "irrelevant."

26) You have to believe that biology teachers are corrupting the morals of 6th graders if they teach them the basics of human sexuality, but the Bible, which is full of sex and violence, is good wholesome reading.

27) You have to believe that everyone should support the troops - except when it comes to paying them.

28) You have to believe that the only reason supply-side economics hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.

29) You have to believe that the media are biased toward liberals, despite the fact that all the major media outlets are owned by ultra-rich conservatives.

30) You have to believe that 9/11 was the fault of [insert Axis of Evil member state here].

Thursday, May 20, 2004

What's Really Going On

Can someone please let me know what's really going on. I mean, the taxpayers of America, actually paid-what I think they said- amounts to be 27 million dollars to Ahmad Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress (INC) for his intelligence, from before the war up until, maybe a week or two ago. I believe it was around $350,000 a month, for a bunch of what turned out to be lies. All the while, VP Cheney and SD Rummy-and let's not forget his little helper Paul Wolfowitz- really wanted Chalabi to be the future president of Iraq. Now, they must have figured that they know best, as usual, and nevermind the small fact that the CIA did not like him at all and definitely were not supporting him. I guess also forget the fact that he was convicted in absentia in Jordan for bank fraud, years ago. More recently he's been under rumor/suspicion of passing secrets to Iran. Last and by our governments standards, I guess least, is the fact that he lied almost about everything, took tons of money from the American people in the process, got us into the war-virtually on his own. Then to top it all off, he was actually criticizing the way we were running the war recently.......I'll say this he's definitely got a lot of nerve..........hmmmmmmm reminds me of a couple other people I mentioned earlier, no wonder they like him so much. I ,personally, don't hate the guy(who knows if he knows what intel. he was giving was false) but I do wonder if the American people(especially Bush supporters) Think this was worth it. Heck I bet they could have found people for 2 million or even half a million to tell them lies. If you don't you at them as lies being told, maybe you feel what was told is just what they wanted to hear, and that's why it was told and believed. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they paid $27 million dollars for lies, that they chose to believe, that caused our foriegn policy to change so drastically that we went to immediate war, which they-"thought or were told"- would be a cakewalk and, of course, they believed that(and it's not), and then they did not even have a plan for after the collapse of the regime and there is more resistance a year later.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Bush's Domestic Policies Are Insane

George Bush's domestic policies are crazy. They are actually trying to convince all 50 governors that it is a good idea, to not only outsource American jobs, but to actually have it all funded by the taxpayers. Not the taxpayers of the countries recieving our jobs but our taxpayers. This is laughable and any governor agreeing to this is hurting his state. I don't know why Pennsylvania was in it, but Governor Rendell said today that they are no longer bound into this deal because he was elected to protect jobs in his state. If anybody could tell me why this is a good policy, i would love to hear it.
What about health care. The only health care policy a lot of Americans have is the "try very hard not to get sick policy" a lot of other Americans are covered by the "do not ever go to a hospital or emergency room ever-for any reason policy". While these policies may work for some, a lot of Americans don't like them. Not everyone has the money to have nice efficient health care, whenever they need it. If anyone would like to explain why we are the only first world, civilized nation to not have free health care, as a right, i would also like to hear this explanation
I guess I should not say much more, except we also need to spend A LOT MORE MONEY ON OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM. Does anybody on the right understand this, or do they believe that everyone can go to private school and pay thier 4-year college tuition and housing in thier frehman year, while driving a nice car. Understand extreme right wingers, not everybody has all the money, we as a country need a good education system, not you as a family.
Seriously what's the deal with Rush Limbaugh. The guy is not only an idiot but he's a liar, that's even worse. Everybody knows that if you tell lies to explain your point, then you don't even have a point and you don't even believe it yourself, or else you would not have to lie to prove it. I guess I should not expect a loud-mouth idiot like him to understand that though.

Not Anything

This is nothing, just some type to get my blog started