Bush's Domestic Policies Are Insane
George Bush's domestic policies are crazy. They are actually trying to convince all 50 governors that it is a good idea, to not only outsource American jobs, but to actually have it all funded by the taxpayers. Not the taxpayers of the countries recieving our jobs but our taxpayers. This is laughable and any governor agreeing to this is hurting his state. I don't know why Pennsylvania was in it, but Governor Rendell said today that they are no longer bound into this deal because he was elected to protect jobs in his state. If anybody could tell me why this is a good policy, i would love to hear it.
What about health care. The only health care policy a lot of Americans have is the "try very hard not to get sick policy" a lot of other Americans are covered by the "do not ever go to a hospital or emergency room ever-for any reason policy". While these policies may work for some, a lot of Americans don't like them. Not everyone has the money to have nice efficient health care, whenever they need it. If anyone would like to explain why we are the only first world, civilized nation to not have free health care, as a right, i would also like to hear this explanation
I guess I should not say much more, except we also need to spend A LOT MORE MONEY ON OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM. Does anybody on the right understand this, or do they believe that everyone can go to private school and pay thier 4-year college tuition and housing in thier frehman year, while driving a nice car. Understand extreme right wingers, not everybody has all the money, we as a country need a good education system, not you as a family.
Seriously what's the deal with Rush Limbaugh. The guy is not only an idiot but he's a liar, that's even worse. Everybody knows that if you tell lies to explain your point, then you don't even have a point and you don't even believe it yourself, or else you would not have to lie to prove it. I guess I should not expect a loud-mouth idiot like him to understand that though.
On the college front: I'm far right wing, and will struggle to send my kids to college. But my kids most likely will not get to go to their college of choice (Texas A&M) because of the 10% rule. In Texas, the top 10% of every high school gets automatic acceptance to U of Texas and Texas A&M. In our very competitive district, students must average a 4.35 or better to be top 10%. My kids will (wisely) choose to have a life in high school, and not be in the top 10% even though their SATs will be in the 1300 range (based on their recent assessment testing). This system punishes those whose parents moved to a strong school district. Now the liberals in Texas are demanding that A&M consider race IN ADDITION to the 10% rule. So if you're a minority in an inner city school, score a 930 SAT but are top 10%, you're in. If you're a minority in a competitive district, score a 1000 w/ top 50%, you're in. But if you're white and are top 25% w/ a 1300 SAT, sorry.
Of course, we'll also throw thousands and thousands of minority scholarships your way as well.
You're claiming higher education is skewed for the upper class? Very funny.
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