Edwards It Is
Yesterday, John Kerry announced-from my state and like 45 minutes from my house-his pick of Senator John Edwards(NC). I think this was a good pick overall and probably the best pick for the ticket. I think that most people that consider themselves center, or even those that don't always vote will be energized by Edwards as the VP pick. I think the average person has always "knew" that Edwards was going to be the pick. But to those of us who follow, and know a good deal about politics it was not always so "obvious". Because of the fact that Dick Gephardt has paid his dues and had more experience, some even liked and wanted Wesley Clark-whose experience is unrivaled as far as military, war, security, maybe even leadership. A couple others who it was fairly obvious would not get picked but whom, nevertheless would have been acceptable and energizing to the base but maybe not to independants, were Senator Hilary Rodham-Clinton (NY) or Governor Howard Dean (VT). However, now that the pick is in most everyone is extremely happy and all think it will pull independants over to our side and give more of an edge to Kerry. I also think that Edwards was the Possible VP pick of Kerry that the Bush/Cheney team feared the most. The presidential debate is an easy one for Kerry, who was head of the debate team at Yale. He will be able to run through Bush thoroughly and make him look like a fool. The Edwards/Cheney debate will be more close. Cheney is pretty shrewd and does know a lot, having worked in Washington so long, but Edwards is a former trial lawyer who has made a living arguing-especially against "big business"-and will be expected to attack Cheney on the no-bid Haliburton contracts, so this debate should be interesting. I'm just hoping that Americans will smarten up because it's obvious that Bush should not only not win, but he should not even get 20% of the vote. I know he will get more, but he shouldn't. If we want a better America at home, that's also repsected again-in the world, while also combating terrorism, keeping us safer and also at some peace(not huge quagmire wars), then the choice of Kerry/Edwards is the most basic, easiest and smartest choice for America.
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