Why not look at the facts? Facts others seem to be oblivious to, or maybe they are just to brainwashed to even look. It's insane but in American politics facts do not matter, people do not consider those; for they might actually shed light on the complete fallacies that these folks perpetuate as real. Take a quick, and yes partisan, look at the FACTS. Both candidates went to Yale: one was a leader of debate team, athlete in a few sports, eloquent speaker, a man of intelligence, who was a born leader and deserved to be there. The other was a man who is obviously not what we consider intellectual, got into Yale because of who his families name was and not because of any potential he had, he passed through not on his preparation or knowledge but simply because of his last name.
After Yale, one volunteered to GO INTO VIETNAM AND ACTUALLY SERVE HIS COUNTRY, one joined a core where he knew he would never be called to serve and who's father could get him out of anything. Mr. Kerry earned 3 purple hearts, 1 bronze star and 1 silver star while Mr. Bush earned vacations from duty (even in his chosen core) and also earned the right to not even show up or pass physicals.
The bottom line and most telling thing about the whole situation is that when Kerry came home and felt the war was wrong he stood up against it and had the courage to captivate a nation, while Mr. Bush, and Mr. Cheney-who got 5 deferments-both, still today, think that the Vietnam war was a just war. Yes, yes I bet the both of you, Bush and Cheney, do feel like wars that your country are in and you are at age to serve and weasel your way out of are just wars. But I ask you two gentleman, had you served and lost arms,legs,limbs, been paralyzed, or watched many close friends die, would the war still have been just to you guys? I guess we'll never know because when there was that time, that chance to prove yourself-to yourself, not in national spotlights, you two gentleman ran and hid like the weasels you are, and it's obvious to anyone with half-a-brain. Yes, felllows you did that, while Mr. Kerry served proudly and courageously. I ask the folks of America, who is better to lead our nation? Seems very obvious to me.