Saturday, January 21, 2006

I Do Not Understand

I just do not understand. Do Republicans really believe that the President is keeping us safe from and readily prepared for a terrorist attack? First, just because we have not been attacked since 9-11 probably has nothing to do with any of the Constitutional breaking, illegally spying on Americans, and the disappearance of civil liberties imposed by the President, even though he claims that we have not been attacked because of his law breaking. Second, and nobody should disagree with this, how could we be prepared for a terrorist attack when we were not even prepared to hurricane Katrina and it was announced hourly for five straight days before it hit. This administration showed their utter incompetence when Katrina hit and they could not even respond for days. Then to top it off, instead of apologizing for their incompetence, they actually tried to shift blame onto the state and local government. How convenient. The sad part is, is that a lot of right-wingers were in agreement with this utter nonsense. Let me say upfront that of course the state and local government deserved some of the blame, but they did not deserve nearly as much blame as the federal government, and they did not come out try to shift blame to the federal government. On the other hand the federal government did run a marketing campaign to try and shuffle blame by leveling attacks at local and state politicians. Also to the right-wingers who agrred with this nonsense, I wonder if they would say the same thing if they were hit by one of the worst natural disasters in American history. I wonder if they would blame their local and state government, instead of the federal government. I guess that would all depend on which party is in control of the federal government and what party controls their state and local governments. So shady to put party before country but it is typical of the right-wingers. I guess in the right-wing mind every city, from the smallest to the largest, better be fully prepared on their own to deal with any and all natural disasters and terrorist attacks. I guess they would also argue that our federal disaster programs, like FEMA, are not for helping our American citizens in a disaster or attack, but they are merely just a decoration or a mirage to make Americans feel safe but they do not need to help any of our fully prepared city's. Gimme a break. It also intrigues me to wonder what these same people would be saying if President Clinton was doing the exact same things that President Bush is doing. I bet they would be singing a completely different tune.


At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you idiot you would be singing a different tune also if it were president clinton in office and not bush, wouldnt you??
And also by saying that the nation is completely unprepared for a terrorist ataack even if it is, you are begging Bin Laden and other Al Quida leaders to attack us I mean come on!! If half a nation that you're at war with was saying that they were completely unprepared for an attack, would you attack them?? I assume that you would. And as for your reference to the Patriot Act I say that you are full of it. The president might have proposed the bill but he did not make it law, you have to actually know something about government before you start bashing our president!! And also it is not law breaking because of the patriot act, OK??

Concerned Republican

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear (misguided) Concerned Republican. First of all, I never said anything about the Patriot Act or the President making it law, so I do not know where you got that idea from. Another example of a right-winger either- A)twisting a story to fit what he wants it to... and/or...B)Not even understanding what is going on or what is being said. I also know a bit about the government, being that I am a college senior and Political Science is my major, so again a Republican not knowing what he is talking about- surprise, surprise. On your last ridiculous point, the Patriot Act did not make it LEGAL for the President to wiretap any American citizens that he wants to without a FISA warrant So get it straight before you start criticizing others. Also maybe you leave your blog, or e-mail, or whatever next time you comment on my blog- so I can respond (and check out) your blog if you have one, or send an e-mail, just so I do not have to respond in my own blog in a place where you may not see it. Thanks for the reply though and I welcome and encourage everyone who reads it to post a comment- whether you agree with me or not.


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