Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tragic Comedies of Republicans

Well the Republicans are standing up for what is right again. The Republicans in Congress are standing up for life. Republicans in Cogress have been fighting for 10 yars to keep Terry Schivo alive; oh wait, no they ave not. The fight has been going on about that long but the Republicans cared so much about it that they just jumped on it out of nowhere this week. Way to take a stand on something you truly believe in, or rather way to try to get people of faith to vote for you and bring this up as a political issue; how moral. They are so "moral" that they do not even care what happens to Mrs. Schiavo, so long as their dispicable plan for political gain can work. Republicans who are usually crying for states rights will not let the state of Florida, one of their "beloved" states, make its own decision. I guess the people and courts of Florida are alright to make decisions, so long as they suit what the Republicans in power want. That is how government should work. The Executive branch should be able to control states and also overule the Supreme Court whenever it does not agree with it. A Government just how our Founding Fathers wanted it and would love to see; if they wanted everything the absolute reverse of what they wrote. American people please wake up and look what your government is doing, it is truly dispicable.


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