Have you ever considered the irony of us, at this time- with this President, trying to spread Democracy? We do not even have a Democracy here at home anymore. U.S. CITIZENS have been locked-up for years with no charges filed or being brought, without being able to speak to anybody- including their family or even A LAWYER. Do you remember the diversion of any high ranking blame for Abu Ghraib? Do you remember how this administration said "it was just few rogue soldiers" and "we do not condone torture"? Now, think about how much audacity it has to take for this administration, at this time, to be fighting the US Senate in order to allow tortue. Just a few rogue soldiers huh? Now, imagine how shameful it is to only punish, and throw all blame, on the soldiers who were following orders; orders from all the way up to the President. Very patriotic, I must say. How are there people in our country who do not see this and still support Bush? Aside from this, if any military official speaks out against this President, the Iraq War, or even so much as tell the truth about the number of soldiers and equiptment they need then they are fired (see General Shinseki). Is this the Democracy we are spreading? We now have our President illegally wire-tapping American citizens and not only that but also claiming he has this authority under our Constitution. So the President is now using our Constitution to take away our citizens Constitutional rights, how convenient. Oh, and the President says the Constitution is what gives him the power to bypass laws that he does not like, and officially try to keep it a secret. Is this the Democracy we are spreading? The President does not look for qualifications, other than being his loyal friend, in appointing extremely important government positions. I mean he tried to appoint Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, and I think everyone remembers the consequences of having his Arabian Horse Judging crony as Head of FEMA (see Hurricane Katrina). Michael Brown did nothing, except eat at restaraunts and send e-mails referring to himself as a "fashion god", while people were hurt, starving, dehydrating, and dying. What a good hearted guy, and a great Bush appointment. Do you remember Bush saying, "You're doing a heck of a job Brownie, keep up the good work". The "good work" of sitting back doing nothing, while thousands of poor people suffered. Is this the Democracy we are spreading? How about the corrupt Republican political establishment and their conections with Jack Abramoff. Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, Ralp Reed (the great moral Christian), were stealing money from American-Indian Tribes in order to fund Republican campaigns for Congress. Now that is some really ethical, moral, democratic stuff to be doing, right? How about Representative Duke Cunningham having to resign over his scandals with money. How about Scooter Libby (and Karl Rove) leaking the identity of a CIA operative- ruining her career, putting countless people in direct danger (all of her contacts and assetts worldwide), giving tips and information to everyone about what jobs and fronts CIA operatives use, and irrepairably damaging our Nations National Security - all because the CIA operative's husband exposed the President as a liar. Is this the kind of Democracy we are spreading? I have so much more to discuss, but I will leave it here for now and ask you who read this to think about it.