Republicans or Hypocrites- Same Thing
Republicans are funny. The average American citizen who are Republicans are, most of the time, not hypocrites but their leaders sure are. Anyone who continues to back Republicans now are either flat-out ignorant or have drunk the kool-aid and there is no hope for them. Let's see, we have Jack Abramoff, we have Tom (the crook) DeLay, we have Bob Ney, we have Duke Cunningham, we have Mark Foley and the fact that Denny Hastert, John Boehner, and Karl Rove all knew about Foley but still encouraged him to run (utterly disgusting), and now we have the evangelical's leader Ted Haggart. These people are sick and drunk for power. They do not care about any of the American people. They do not care about have fair elections. They do not care about helping the rich with money taken from the poor. They do not care about giving oil companies and pharmecutical companies corporate welfare while at the same time cutting the welfare for the poor people. On top of that, they claim that they are good Christians. These people are not Christians and it is time that true religious Christians wake-up and see them for what they are- HYPOCRITES, LIARS, SCOUNDRELS. True Christian values involve helping the poor, not the rich. True Christian values teach not to discriminate, against anyone for any reason. Especially not to discriminate against gay people, while you're out using drugs and paying for gay sex. That's the Republicans for ya. Also, any true Christian should read David Kuo's book "Tempting Faith" and see what the Republican leaders really think of you religious people. He was second in charge of George Bush's faith-based initiatives and he claims that you all were called nuts and crazy behind your backs while giving you smiles to your face. Christians have the Republicans ever giving you anything that is on your political agenda? NO. Even while you have supported these lying hypocrites faithfully they have done nothing that you all wanted them to do. It's a shame to have your religious views used by politicians for political gain and even more of a shame that you all either do not notice or do not seem to mind. As I said earlier, anyone who is not a lying hypocrite or an ignorant soul would not be voting Republican this election. Maybe you do not have to vote Democrat, maybe just sit this one out because there are no true Republicans or true religious people running on the Republican ticket this election with the exception of maybe a few. Wake-up people, wake-up.